Additional Services
What We Do
Day Camp
Price: $40/daily rate
Non Members $65/ Night
Member $55/Night
1. Understanding Your Dog:
During the consultation, we will spend time getting to know your dog’s personality,
temperament, and any existing behavioral issues they may have.
2. Discussing Your Goals:
Whether it’s basic obedience, addressing specific behavioral problems, or advanced
training, we will listen to your concerns and provide realistic expectations for what can
be achieved.
3. Assessing Training Options:
Once we have understood your dog’s needs and your training goals, we will discuss the various training options available. We can help you determine which option would be most suitable for your dog and your schedule.
4. Addressing Concerns and Questions:
We understand that you might have questions or concerns about the training process. The consultation is the perfect opportunity to address any doubts or queries you may
5. Pricing and Scheduling:
During the consultation, we will provide you with detailed information about our pricing packages. We will make sure all your questions regarding pricing, scheduling, and any
additional services are answered.
*Consultations are required for all training programs.